The turtle is telling me it's time for another holidays to happen, soon as every other cunt goes back to work/ school that is. In thge meantime I sometimes do "art", some might not like what I produce, sometimes I don't. Any way sometime I draw, make knives or furniture, sometimes ( and preferably), with secret compartments.
This fella, 'turty', came from the Exmouth Gulf, as flotsam on the shore. (Not quite a BMW but it'll do for a find). He, (or she), thought that it was knock off time and layed down for a bit. Maybe a shark, who knows.
So did the top (horns) half of 'munch' on the wall, 'cept he had a accident with a bit of lead I was driving. (38 inches tip to tip spread).
Now it's time to get happening again, recycling A La Rackorf.
I can see ol' 'turty' here sitting at the top of a six foot (metal) spine with ribs, sort of skeletal I s'pose, as a room lamp. (Mind you, the accesseries will add the final touch - good set of fangs(shiny white metal), arms and legs with claws, climbing up the corner of a room, looking over his shoulder).
Ol 'Munch' is a figment of circumstantial bits, that seemed to go together and need a background. At present he has got a castle entrance to his left shoulder and the wall up to the rear...
I have a few limitations, (space and time - over one wall with chalk), but wonder - what is in the background apart from the castle?
Is it a battle, a forest, a mountain range, or what?
I have my ideas, but if there are any showstoppers that I can draw, maybe they will appear.