Well I spose that I'm still better off than the roos in the piccy - they have just spent three days watching their home get fried and dodging being toast themselves. The other piccies were taken the day before the fire came through, driven by kabatic winds at about seventy km/h, ambient air temp of 40C plus, luckily most of the paddock grass was pretty well grazed short - some places were chest high and dry - they are just sand now. If the wind had changed we would have been joining the roos in looking fucking tired.
The avenue of trees are Lemon Scented gums, doesn't matter what time of year it is they smell fucken unreal. One day I will have an avenue of them leading to the cave...

That's funny, I have a collection of 'shadow' pics I take of the kids and I. It's funny watching their shadows grow taller than mine over the years, as well.
Mmmmmm....lemon scented gums sounds heavenly...
Does it ever actually rain down your way? That top picture is very cool. What does a lemon scented gum tree smell like?
I'll guess they smell like Ludens Lemon cough drops. Aren't you in a drought right Now? I thought i saw that on the news.
You can have some fun with shadow pics!!
I don't know what ludens Lemon cough drops smell like, but i'd guess lemon, same with the gums - they smell, as little things said, heavenly , (specially if you crush a handful of leaves).
Once this weird stuff fell from the sky and everyone screamed and ran inside - nah not really, but it has been noticably dry this year, some parts more than others. Still weird shit does happen - last year in the wheatbelt they went from a temp of 40+ to 3 inches of hail over their paddocks and -1 in an afternoon.
They're forecasting 40's again in a couple of days, with some parts of the last fire still smoldering. Great. Rain would be nice.
I put some of my painting up on my blog for you to see my style.
I put some of my painting up on my blog for you to see my style.
I put some of my painting up on my blog for you to see my style.
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