Mundaring Weir is about seven km fron Mundaring and was built by CY O'Connor to supply water to the goldfields via a pipeline - a major engineering feat that is still in use today.
When we were kids, me and my mate would go looking for old and interesting bottles out the bush. There used to be all sorts, pretty blue ones, little minature ones, and heaps of the big boring Mundaring Aerated Water Factory bottles - which, of course, we used to chuck rocks at and smash.
We would have smashed fucken hundreds of the cunts, as you do when you are ten year old ratbags.
The one that I have, (how the fuck did that survive), is one of only two that I am aware of in existence now - the other one is in a museum and is in poor condition.
A few years ago I did some research on the story of the factory and found out about the lack of suviving bottles. One person that I spoke to refered to them as the "Rolls Royce" of soft drink bottles - due in part to their rarity.
And here I am, the person that helped to make them so rare (unknowingly), with one in my possession. Life's funny like that.
By the way, all you'se cunts have a fucken good year .
little boys came be such terrorists when you get a couple of them together. (as I'm sure you know)
I have two brothers close to my age but younger. they were tighter then ticks when we were kids. They could come up with the wildest games. They were my best pals even though they used to terrorize me, occasionally. If it hadn't been for those two, I'm sure my life would have been much duller. :)
I've always had fondness for boys, the little heathens.
We used to get up to some scallywag behaviour that's for sure.
When I was a ratty little unsupervised ten year old myself, my greatest fear was getting hit in the head by the rocks thrown by the ten year old boys.
What is it with boys and rocks?
But back to your post, very interesting the things we take for granted.
My mom had a liquor bottle full of antique coins. I spent them all in a matter of months at the ice cream truck that swung by after school. I probably set that guy up for life.
I used to be really good at the head shots on other kids -(and dogs, cats, birds or whatever else).
A few years ago I took a couple of youngsters fishing and I pegged a rock at a seagull, just for old times sake, missed, richocheted off a boulder, and just missed some fellas nose by about an inch. Quick as a flash I whirled on the young lad with me and said loudly in a pissed off voice "what have I fucken told you about chuckin rocks" - all the while with my back to the fella and tippin the lad the wink.
re - the coins - good on ya, how bad was that!! Did you get sprung for it?
When I was a kid I used to spend hours searching for soft drink bottles. In those days you got the equilivent to 5c per bottle. Collect enough bottles and you get enough for lollies or an ice cream and on a good day enough to play the pin ball machine. I was a skinny little kid and I've just figured out why. I walked a thousand miles every weekend.
Oh, Rackorf, how were you to know back then those Maundaring Aerated Watering Factory bottles would be so valuable? I mean, you were just a little tyke back in 1875 and had no idea how the world would change. Better keep those plastic 2-litre Coke bottles...
P.S. Why does every town in Australia have a name like Billy Bang Bong-Wugga Wugga - Coombo - MongoBongo -Uluhuhuhuluru Saddling Springs Town??
No, I never got in trouble. I was too unsupervised for anyone to know what I was up to.
Hey Rackorf ... I see you got caught up in L>T's religio-morality group discussion AND you managed to get the word "cunt" and "fucken" in.
Mazel Tov
Hey Arcturus. I noticed that Rackorf didn't explain why we have such crazy names for towns here. It's fairly simple really. They are all aboriginal names. Just up the road from me there is a suburb called Indooroopilly. It means valley of the leeches. Could you imagine a bus driver calling out "Next stop Valley of the Leeches"? he he he
Noone would get off the bus.
Once upon a time we had Ayres Rock, named after the guy who discovered it. Its now been named Ullaroo - back to its original aboriginal name which probably means "bloody great rock out in the dongas".
debstar That's hilarious! Valley of the Leeches. & that's why we say you people are colorful. ;]
& Of course, who else could get away with calling everyone cunts. ;]
I love you guys!
as debs says most of the names are from the aborigional names. Valley of the leaches - fuck that!!
(did you know that if you turn a leach inside out (you use a little stick) it can turn itself back the right way, the cunt.)
How could a fella not have a discussion about morality and not chuck in a cunt or two!!
All I know about leeches is that if you pour salt onto them the little fuckers curl up and die real quick. Serves them right too.
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