The green eyed cunts hunt in packs, and are solely here to torment people. Woe betide anyone silly enough to splat one. as when they get flattened they exude a scent that, like meat ants, attracts the rest of them. Funny if they are hassling someone else ( I always encourage people to splat the cunts and become the unwitting target ), fucking miserable if you are the target. Their life cyle revolves around the redgum blossom - how I do not know yet. I do know that as the blossom appears so do they - and they go when it does.
The sargeant ant defends its nest readily. The one in the flick is fucking a praying mantis it had the hots for. They are sort of a wasp decendant that has lost the wings - yes the sting is in the tail. If you get cut open they can be used as bush stiches - hold wound closed and get the ant to bite (with the jaw not the sting end) on either side of the wound - then snap the head off. It suffices until an alternative can be sourced. I would also put redgum on it as an antiseptic - redgum is good for lots of things - maybe a future post :)
Does anything in nature down your way not bite, sting, group attack, stink to high heaven, slither, spew, inject venom, and all around kill other things painfully? Do dandelions and butter cups grow? Are there squirrels -- no, not attack ones that can gouge eyes out. Snakes not the size of mini-van?
Just curious.
An incomparable entry, as always. And you win an award for most use of the c-word in an entry 500 words or less.
Oh, yes, you might like my last two entries.
Ha ha, arcturus, you put my thoughts into words, too.
rackorf, Interesting post. I like insects prob. more then most women. I'll have to blog about some of the bugs around here. We have carnivorous snails, here. Most people don't know about them. my brother, who runs around in the woods all the time showed them to me.
No squirrels here - the fucking koalas ate most of them, the fucking wombats got the rest. The cunts.
Carniverous snails, I'd like to see one of them. How big do they get and what do they eat?
I can't believe ya said that rackorf. Koalas only eat leaves and they're pissed most of the time so how could they chase those pesky squirrels around? The squirrels got chased out by the possums the bastards.
Arcturus we have butterflies and ladybirds and the native bees don't sting. We also have a huge number of snakes that aren't venemous. And the fish don't bite, just ask my husband.
Joke of the day: Why did the koala fall out of the tree?
A. It was dead.
Q Why couldn't the koala climb up the tree?
A. A dead one just fell on it.
OK I'll go now.
Oh yeah I forgot to add thet everyone knows that a wombat eats roots shoots and leaves.
Don't get me started on the fucken possums, the cunts.
And, yes, we do have a number of huge snakes that are not venemous.
Maybe I'm a wombat.
Well you are male. Not much difference.
If you want to get rid of possums, I'll send my dog over. He eats everything but possums, just kills them and leaves them in the yard until they stink enough to get my attention.
Funny thing about the sargeant ants...I saw a scene last night in "Apocalypto" where their heads were used as stitches...
Actually I like possums. Didn't realize that they were native to Texas though. What type are they? If they are like ours they are good eating - your dog may be missing out!
Apocolypto? Is that a TV show? If it is we won't get it over here for a few years. Funny co-incidence though.
I've decided you are mostly full of shit. But a pretty interesting guy, anyway.
Didn't you know possums eat dog shit?
Sorry, Rackorf, I didn't read that prev. blog entry carefully enuf. I see that it was his mom who had that name. But what is his name? And why does he have an eye missing? And what exactly was it his great grandfather Hector attacked that got him killed? He was hunting people or other animals?
Oh, yes, I think I'd like to post your dog's picture in a blog entry -- linked to yours, of course -- if you don't mind.
l>t well thats nice of you. I didn't know that.
arc - His name is Nooft ( it means stinking dog in Noongar - the tribal language from around here - like when they get wet and stink), his eye just went blind - he's getting old now and it goes with it.
Hector was hunting coons.
The dog says he doesn't mind if you stick his piccy up as long as you wax lyrical about what a top dog he is.
Hi Rackorf ... so I posted a picture of "Nooft" on my blog. As it is, I just updated to the Beta Blogger version. It was quite confusing but in the end I think it worked. My user ID changed but password stayed the same.
I'm curious if you are still able to post comments on my blog.
Nooft...hahaha...sounds like a little fart! And he looks like anything but one.
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