There are a few types of these ; some have big green eyes, some we call B-52's - as they are fucken huge.
They all have one thing in common, they generally buzz loudly while flying around then switch to stealth mode and land on you - so gently that you do not notice, until a red hot poker goes into ya. Yes, they all bite. And they hunt in packs. Cunts.
These trees are paperbarks. In a swamp. Full of marsh flies and, unfortunately, no pigs today.
You have flies big enough to see the color of their EYES? And they bite?
You Aussies are certainly a different lot.
I have to second Little Things comment. Big-ass biting flies with green eyes ... wild boars and feral pigs ... swamps and hot sunlight and alien-looking trees ...
Can you ever take a picture of the Indian Ocean as you see it from your area? I'm curious what the coastline there looks like.
The ones with green eyes are the smaller ones.
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