I've fed them roo guts and capes and the next day it's just a furry turd left.
Mostly they will bolt from you, and if cornered attack - due to being cornered, and hence threatened.
If you happen to be the biggest baddest pig in the bush, threatened?? yeh right...bring on the entre.
(hats off to the unknown pig hunter)
That's the cutest baby pig I've ever seen.
Do you get feral pigs over there?
That is a frightening shot - I had no idea they grew to be that size. Is that a pig, or a javelina or a boar or a hog or what?
Rackorf: A few in Congress and a few on the DC police force but that's about it.
What's the difference between a feral and a non-feral pig?
Little Things: It's the pig that played "Noelle" on the old tv show "Designing Women," and also was featured in that "Golden Girls" episode as "Baby."
The years out of the limelight have not been kind, though how s/he ended up in the Australian Outback, I can't imagine.
Hi little things, we call them boars, round here you're not one of the boys unless you're into the pig hunting - I've seen a few near this size and they can be a bit intimidating at times. They get so big due to the amount of bush they have to run around in and a good supply of tucker - I've heard of them dragging sheep down on the farmland side of the bush. There was a guy got his calf ripped out of his leg a couple of months ago. You wouldn't believe how powerful they can be - ie. rock hard gravel bush tracks just ploughed up to about a foot deep for twenty foot of track, with their snout! They have a good set of choppers on them too, as well as tusks that are constantly sharpened - pig this size would have tusks about 8-10 inches long- they stick out the side of the mouth.
They are called feral as they are an introduced animal that has gone wild.
I used to hunt them with guns and\or knives - but mostly try to use a camera now - that is even more of an adreniline rush than a knife!!
Hi Arcturus - we have that type of pig too.
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