Soon the sun will scorch down on us again. They reckon that it'll be a hot summer this year.
With a high fire risk. That's always a worry with city folks running around the bush, being dickheads. Couple of years ago, there they are in a valley that hasn't been burnt for 70 years, high summer, 47 C, extreme fire danger, an there they are lighting huge fires - to keep warm- and running through a campsite with blazing branches- then to top it off, they stick a gas bottle in the fire. Dickheads.
Anyway, here's a nice bush photo taken during spring at a place I know (where the tourists don't go).
I love the inner peace that flows so sublimely thru Rackorf's writings.
Also, you wrote: "... the paddocks turn to golden stubble as the hay comes off, blowflies and mozzies arrive.
Now are you describing some natural rhythm of the seasons on the Great Australian Outback or the 5AM goings-on at a Sydney afterhours party??
Well I have woken up flyblown a couple of times. Laying in the dust, surrounded by empties, cooking in the rising sun with a stinking headache, blowflies and the anoyying little sticky cunts of bush flies crawling all over ya face.
Nowadays I make sure I know where the sun will be and get a nice shady patch. Can't do much about the flies but.
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