This is how pig tusks fit together and self sharpen. They are also fairly deep set into the bone with another third or so of what you see being still embedded. When you corner them in hollow tree stumps or whatever, they thrash the head from side to side trying to rip you. Some of the boys use dogs with leather breast plates to catch em - some, the dud or stupid dogs mostly, don't last long.
I used to have a pig dog but it turned into to much of a killer - took on free lance jobs -by itself. Needless to say it ain't here no more, but it ain't.
Nowadays I just use bush skills and sneak up on them- sometimes I get them with a knife, sometimes a spear, and not very often - a camera - mostly I've got one eye on a tree with a camera and am ready to get up it!!
Again, and not to belabor/belabour the point, but you really go wild bore/pig hunting with a spear and a knife in the way, way, way Outback country?
You have to realize how different that is from, well, every human being I know. Please don't hold that against me. This includes all the bloggers -- basically, they're all about the suburban same.
If you start up "Rackorf's From the Cave Extreme Holiday Tours," I will sign up ... except I don't really feel like killing anything. Could I just take a picture of the pig?
I actually went to start up adventure tours out, tailor made - chopper insertions, whatever people wanted. The u-beaut insurance companies, required due to permit to be out the bush conditions put paid to that idea though, by wanting to charge heaps on the premiums.
I still have fun out there though and sometimes take other people - mostly people that I've hunted with before.
If you haven't tried the experience you're missing out.
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