These flicks came, apparently, from somewhere near Nyngan (NSW). The snake was getting constant zaps from an electric fence - till the folks that cut the fence got it out - poor cunt.
Fuck that, I got zapped a couple of times by a good fence and I would not like to be stuck in one. I'd get a bit snakey too.
( The farmer was spewing 'cos his fence got cut and it had been eating his lambs - he'd have rathered it dead. Sigh)
That's a big snake! I've been zapped by electric fences a few times. It's a very unpleasent feeling.
I've seen so many people arbitrarily kill snakes. it really pisses me off.
In my home, I can't even kill a cockroach without facing reproachment from my life-lovin' children. (I had to 'save' one the other day by taking it out in a cup...gross).
I am glad you are in your part of the world to show us your life. Amazing pics.
A snake shouldn't be that big. I think that's the most fucking appalling thing I've seen in a long time. I was just showing someone your blog -- he didn't like the template I used on mine so I wanted to show him yours -- and YIKES! GROSS! ... thanks, Rackorf ... -- that image comes up.
That snake must be 20 feet long and 4 feet around at his mid section ... he must weigh several hundred pounds ... (I can't do the metric conversions off the top of my head).
So when it was cut free, exactly what happened? It didn't, like, swallow one of those people outright?
What in the world would you do if you saw that threatening you? Would a bullet take it out?
l>t I was once driving down the road and saw these people chucking rocks at something - a carpet snake (like the one in the flicks but only six foot or so)- so I chucked rocks at them till they fucked off - I kept 'Bert' the snake as a pet for a bit (he was a passable car security system as well), then let him go in a nice secluded bit of bush.
little things - Glad that you like the pics - I've got one somewhere of one of these eating a roo!! (I'll post it if I find it)
Arc - hahaha, glad that ya liked it. I'd reckon it'd keep going the way it's facing, (and it is on the other side of the snake fence).
I wouldn't like it to be hanging off me - mostly they will just stick to prey they can fit around, not venomous - but ya wouldn't want it round ya neck either. Imagine it locked onto your face and chucking coils around ya!! Hope that your mate liked it too.
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