On the gulf side it is a lot more sheltered - generally - and you watch the dark rise rather than the sun set. The bottom of the gulf and up the north eastern side is mostly mangrove trees and mud.
The whole of the northwest has some fucken huge tides, which means some really strong currents. Fuck swimming in it though - there are also heaps of sharks (these flicks are north of Shark Bay - that kind of says it all). There are also heaps of sea snakes, extremely venomous but they apparently have small mouths - unfortunately some are really big, 2-3 meters, and they - to my thinking - would have corresponding sized mouths.
The tidal volume is so large in some places that there are "horizontal waterfalls" and one place where the water rushes through a chasm - I think that I heard somewhere that this particular movement of water is the volume of eight Sydney harbours - through the chasm - twice a day. Pretty speccy.
Hey there, Rackorf ... so I'm assuming that's the Indian Ocean in those photographs. I like that comment, 'You watch the dark rise rather than the Sun set.' Yes, that bluish-gray hue on the eastern horizon is actually the shadow of the Earth 'approaching' as the planet revolves on its axis.
Now I grew up along the Atlantic seashore and I have a tremendous affection for the ocean, including swimming in it. But your description of the Indian Ocean ... can you even swim in those waters?
(I've no idea the volume of water that passes thru Sydney Harbour, though, each day.)
Oh, yes, in an upcoming entry I'd like to mention you since your blog entries are so different from all the other ones I read, not to mention mine.
Watching the dark rise is like being on a different planet, everything goes that purply colour - no wind - dead quiet -(except for the sound of unseen gulf prawn trawlers in the far distance).
Lots of people do swim in it. Most of them enjoy it, some get terminally eaten, bitten or stung by something. I prefer to fish in it and not be in it.
Sydney harbour has something like 0.5 million megalitres, give or take a couple of liters.
It's good to be different.
It turns out there are about 326 billion billion gallons or 326 quintillion (326x10^18) gallons of water on the surface of the Earth, nearly all of which (98%) is in the oceans, of course.
That translates into about 1.26 sextillion liters (okay, litres) (1.26x10^21) ... or in Sydney Harbor (okay, Harbour) units, 1.26 quadrillion (1.26x10^15) megalitres ... or 1.26 billion million megalitres
That's 1,260,000,000 million megalitres compared to 0.5 million megalitres or
0.5/1,260,000,000 = 0.0000000004 or 4*10^-9 (or in percentage 0.00000004%)
Taking the inverse of 4*10^-9, that's
2,500,000,000 (2.5 billion) Sydney Harbour's worth of water on Earth, nearly all in the oceans.
How 'bout dat?
However, I'm not sure if you guys in Australia use the British system, since their billion is our trillion and their trillion is our quadrillion and so forth ... And I may have screwed up the numbers, but I think they're correct.
Biting venomous snakes...how my admiration just grows and grows.
Hopefully my 'anonymous' reader isn't scoping your blog. I see you dropped the F-bomb a couple of times....
Hahahahaha...fuck anonymous anyway - most of the airline employees i've met are rude cunts that don't even return a gooday.
Little Things Our good friend Rackorf here has a whole (as in Cold War era Soviet and American-scale) arsenal of F-bomb and C-bombs ... and were he to live in the States, perhaps the odd N-bomb... the intercontinental ballistic missile ... maybe even a Saturn V rocket-like one to start you on your way to the Moon.
(I'm just kidding, Rackorf ... no offense meant.)
And fucken none taken Arcturus ya cunt.
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