Fucken mozzies - rotten disease ridden sleep depriving cunts of things.
If... and as according to the word of the fairy tale, "god" created all things - (fucken things being the operative words in this case) - why the fuck mossies? What the fuck?? (I suppose that all is good in cloud land with out the fuckers.) And as for you Noah you cunt - you had the fucken opportunity you dickhead... WTF is (was) wrong with you??
Anyway, why the fuck did not 'god' make the fucken things the size of a rottweiler and then at least I'd be able to grab the cunts by the fucken snout and give them the good news with a baseball bat right between the fucken eyes a few times.
Ay? What gives? Ay?
Fair suck at the sauce bottle ya sicko cloud riding cunt!!
Give us a fair crack ya maggot.
agreeing passionately :)
so totally... boring.
if it weren't for your frequency of the words 'fuck' and 'cunt', this blog would be just a blank page,hey?
(just IMHO of course)
Hey kitty - what happened to the comments section on your site?
Hey anonymous, you brave cunt, so where is the link to your efforts?
You know what anonymous - it is fucking simple dickhead - if you do not like the content here, fuck off.
IHDC of course. Cocksucker.
If you're going to make the fuckers the size of Rottweilers, may as well make them the size of whales and let the Japanese hunt them to extinction for us...
So I take it you don't like mosquitoes. That's understandable.
Loved your reply to anonymous.
By the way, that's not a picture of you over on Little Things "I'm bringing back sexy" entry, is it? I refer to the second picture. Please let me know if it is. (Or maybe it's Fingers.)
Anonymous jerks. They are always real big talkers aren't they?
I don't know about Australian skeeters but the ones here are put off by that bug repellent that you rub on. There really isn't much else a person can do about them, except curse & damn them all to hell.
I hate the fuckers, and hiding under the sheets just damages the tough guy image. The only good thing about mozzies is the way they keep tourists away from the best fishing spots.
I'm blessed. Mosquitoes don't like me. Seriously....
I'm lucky. They stay away from me... must be all the vodka in my blood... and the delicate balance of not being too stinky or smelling like some kind of freaking flower either.
Fingers - you've got the japs sussed
Arc - mossies are absolute cunts - no it's not me in the pic you refer too - did the poor wee lad stay out in the cold?
Maiden - I don't like to slather myself with nerve agent to combat the mossies - when I was in the army we had some top stuff for them - it used to melt the M16 butts and any other plastic as well :(
Dog - It's under the sheet for me - I'd put up a mossie net but it is too fucken hot in the house, mind you I've just about been camping in the front yard so might string one up there
Trav/Bryan - you lucky, lucky cunts - you get to miss out on fun shit like ross river as well as the itching and buzzing...
point of mossies...according to the “Mosquitoes” chapter in Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things, by Lafcadio Hearn (1850–1904), mosquitoes are seen as reincarnations of the dead, condemned by the errors of their former lives to the condition of Jiki-ketsu-gaki, or "blood-drinking pretas.
Hi Emmak - thats pretty interesting - I suppose if they were a dead set cunt in former life then they'd still be a dead set cunt when they are dead. I don't quite see why we get involved in the equation - unless they only hassle other dead set cunts...
there you go...reincarnated blood-sucking vampires. Sounds about right.
Come and see the boobies on my site, mate.
Rackorf, I was kinda surprised you didn't post an entry about the Australian Gov't apology. I read the text of it -- kind of poetic in its way.
(Now I'm NOT trying to pull anyone's chain here ... just curious.)
Hi miss smacky - I've had a bit of a squiz at them already - very nice ;)
(Just haven't had time to post comments much though)
Hey Arc - I had a fucken beaut little sorry speech worked out in my head, but with all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, cunts fucking crying everywhere in the street while wearing sackcloth and beating themselves, and being flat out at work and not able to log on so much - I didn't get to post it.
Shame, here's a short extract ...
I am so sorry that you are mostly useless bludging cunts...
I'm so sorry that we taxpaying folk throw fucken money at you for doing fuck all, like going to school and family pissups...
I'm sorry that cunts I hate don't live in the house next to you and your rellies..
I'm sorry that we didn't keep the the no alcohol policy...
I'm sorry that I'm regarded as a racist when I call you a fucken black cunt after you have called me a fucken white cunt...
I'm so fucken happy that our gumbiment has said the "S" word.
I can now walk down the street and expect our indigenous brethren will now welcome me with a big smile, a hearty slap on the back and warm handshake. Maybe even a traditional welcome ceremony!!
Yeah, right.
ha ha
Along a similar line of non-PC thinking, I've been wondering: if America elects an African American as President of the United States, will that produce any change in what is sometimes referred to as "black rage" in the U.S. Based on my life experience living in a big city and in the U.S. overall, my guess is no.
Update ur damn blog.
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