Now listen here Santa you fat cunt. And listen fucken good.
Me an' mad elmer have got your mate the easter bunny. Caught the chubby little fucker sleeping off his latest binge chocolate session. Dumb mangy rodent cunt that it is.
So here's the fucken deal. What we want is...
- Big fucken power boat - (think "McHales Navy")- for starters anyway
- A helicopter (gunship - yes with a chaingun and fucken rockets too - heaps of the cunts)
- A huge fucken outback property (>than 4000Km2)
- Heaps of water, bush, hills and feral stuff to shoot on the place - (don't go to fucken mental though - you fucken know what I want)
- No fucken tourists on the place
- No more fucken dealing with government agencies of any sort - if they supply it - they do it.
- Heaps of good looking, well trained, and scantily clad sheilas - (that can cook as well)
- A fleet of long nose Kennie's - (and a variety of trailers to suit - including accommodation)
- An endless supply of cold beer
- SAS long range patrol vehicle in full rig
- A gold mine
- Fiji
- An Iron ore mine
- Elves for slaves - (or blowing away with the gunships or SAS rig)
- Anything else at fucking all that we think of....
are you feeling lucky??
We are.
We have four rabbits feet.
If we don't get what we want...
We'll give you one for chrissy :)
(BTW we know where you fucken live Mr North Pole Cunt and we're watching you)
Looks like a cunt of a way to spend Christmas.
Being hung up by Elmer, who looks like he has just finished sodomizing ol Buggsy just to teach him a lesson
not the eeeaaaassssteeeeeer buuuunyyyyyyy!!
You listen up you two-headed country bumpkin.
We've got your ex-wife.
Release The Bunny or we'll send the cunt back to you.
And we fucken know where you live too, Hayseed...
Hey anon, you know I did wonder what mad elmer was up too behind the shed, all that grunting and groaning and squealing going on...
(usually it's grunting and groaning and flapping and squawking going on - elmers a sick cunt since they cut his other head off, it was like, well, a brother to him)
Yes kitty - the retarded fatfuck, and probably soon to be scheduled for surgery, eeeaaaassssteeeeeer buuuunyyyyyyy. (And it's we are cunts.)
Listen up santa's little cocksucker. What ex wife? If you've got my ex root, sucked in. Keep the maggoty bitch. It'll make your life a fucken misery.
If you send it back here elmer will have to go and pick apples for the pigs.
Yeah and I bet you cunts remember where I live too, especially after I managed to get a couple of number four shot into that rednosed cunts fleeing arse. Didn't you fucken read the FUCK OFF sign, Well that meant youse cunts as well.
Just drop my new shit on the new outback property and send me the fucken location cocksucker.
Let's beat the fucken rush.
If the fatcunt doesn't pick up his fucken game soon I'll be performing bush surgery on his newly elmer fucked mate and your boss will have a nice new paw for his fucken sled keys to hang off.
I'm still trying to figure out how you all enjoy Christmas in the summertime. Then again, it's December in Texas, and the temps are in the 80's.
We all just lay around and suck copious amount of piss. (Sort of like the rest of the year but with a lot more effort put into it)
Ho ho ho, Rackorf.
Oh, yes, please note that my blog URL has changed. You can follow it via my name link with this comment, but it's "arcana-from-arcturus" now instead of "notes-from-arcturus." The old one still "works" -- carrying a fragment of earlier entries -- for some creepy reason having to do with a spammer, but I'm trying to sort it out.
P.S. Tell me that's you in the picture!
You really are starting to scare me.
Killing little bunnies??? (not to mention the above bizarre rant)
Are you OK?
I thot I had a problem with Christmas. Crimminys!
Hey arc, no that's definitely not me in the piccy.
Little bunnies, hairy maiden?? Did you see the picture of the cunt? What the fuck do yours look like?
Bizarre rant....who me?...well I try to please...(umm have you had a look at your efforts lately serious squirrel?)
I'm fucking running like a boongs nose - thanks for asking.
Crimminys? What the fuck are they...crooked chimneys? Tell me more....
Well, I've raised rabbits thank you very much & I'm a HUMANE person. I made my son kill them.
As far as bizarre rants...at least I keep my language "in control" :)
& in conclusion, I am a nice person, so fuck you. (i mean that in the nicest possible way)
well, hell that last comment was me.
I can see it now...."Go bash them there bunnies boy, or you'll be getting a whupping upside ya head"
Thanks for the fuck you wish, fuck you very much as well...in the nicest possible way of course.
oh, my eyes are burning...
Those chilli farts'll do that to you every time...
from laughing, silly :)
hahahah hilarious. Geez, you make me laugh.
Well it's good to have a giggle now and then. Glad you'se are enjoying :)
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