An interesting trip. Queensland. Home of XXXX, not that i'd drink that shit.
Haven't been here in twenty years, since I was in the Army. I could hardly recognize the roads that I used to regularly drive trucks down. The road north, previously a one lane each direction job, is now a fucking freeway.
Staying in a variety of accommodation, including to my fucken horror, a fucking B&B. Fuck.
I was somewhat more amiable after i was shown to the executive suite. Very nice. So, a few beers, and a feed later, it's time to see what is on the telly - in the sumptuous, complementary glass of red, deserted loungeroom, where I shall kick back and hopefully watch UFC, American Chopper, Hotrods, Mythbusters, or something equally as watchable, on fox.
However. Now, which is right now, and just fucking now - like a split second before me - the said sumptuous lounge is inhabited by an oldish Qld bloke - think Joe Bjelky (or however its fucking spelt) Peterson mixed with a liberal dose of church going and apparently fuck all sense of humor,or that is the impression that I gained from when we met earlier, while I was decking a coldie on the deck. And....
He's reaching for the fucking remote. Cunt. Fuckit.
And fucken now, the cunt has charge of the fucking remote. Fuck! No!! So there he is flicking through the four available channels - no Fox :( ... a documentary about Burmese rebels or something,... I plonk my arse in a comfy looking chair..., womens golf, the same documentary, and ....South Park - you fucken beauty!! But the old cunts still got the fucken remote. And he's lingering on the Burmese doco. And says to me, just as he hits South Park - and it's just starting, "What do you think we should all watch?"... Fucken Yeehar!! ... "This'll be spot on mate" says I.
And leant back with a beer to enjoy the show.
I don't think he was expecting this turn of events. But he grunted, and said to me - "Is greatness a responsibility that is thrust upon a person, or is it sought?", and stood, waiting for a response.
"That would depend upon the circumstance." I replied, he grunted, and, our conversation ended.
He sat down.
I thought to myself that this should be interesting.
So we all, the groups numbers have swelled as we have been joined by his old duck, watched the South Park crew get into Mel Gibson and "the passion".
Cracked me up, especially given that the two old, really straight, cunts are sitting there too. The old fella even gave out a little snortle sort of chuckle a couple of times and especially when Mel shits on cartman at the end. His missus didn't seem to get into it though.
I bet they watch it all the time now. Cos he'll have the remote.
I thought that i'd have a Muddy for tea one night, further up the coast, as the fucking things are everywhere up there. About $40 max, I would have thought. Eighty fucken dollars they tried to fucken rip me off the poxy fucking Queensland cunts. Fuck me. I could get some of the local boongs to get me a couple for a flagon. What a fucken rip off that place was. I ended up getting something that cost $31 and consisted of what you get in an industrial area lunch bar for the Friday "seafood" basket. Cunts. I should moonlight as a hotel inspector and get paid to fucken sting them too.
Best value of all the stops was Mackay. Good pub. Cheap food - (everywhere - like meals for $5.50). I ended up with some fucken beautiful calamari for tea. I'll hunt down a Muddy there next time.
So finally, I get home.
Fly in battered from 5.5 hours of cattle class and no fucking emergency exit row seat either, on the last leg. A far change from the business class, that I could now see from my cattle class seat, in which I'd traveled over East.
After 14 hours for the trip home, it was time for some fast food and a box of piss. So I go to a handy Kentucky duck.
And there's this fat cunt holding the fucking door open, in a fucken restaurant, dickhead - there's heaps of room inside inside if some cunts move over.
So I politely says - " Why don't ya get outa the way for me?" as he didn't seem to want to move. And fuck me, some mol inside the door goes " the queue starts here" - yeh right the fuck it does!
So, in my usual gentle and persuasive manner, I politely remonstrated with them, and informed them respectively, "You can shut the fuck up you pushy fucking mol, and you can get the fuck out of my way you fucking fat cunt and shut the fucking door."
They responded fairly well to my suggestion and the mol shut the fuck up and the fat cunt got out of the way and shut the fucken door. Dickheads.
Finally get to be served. "Two chook breasts, coleslaw, mashed spuds and gravy", says I to the dickhead behind the counter, as he finishes putting mashed spud and fucking gravy tubs into a warmer box.
"We don't do mashed spuds" he says, with a smartarse sort of smug look on his weasly pock marked head. Which I had a sudden vision of being rammed repeatedly into the previously, and recently, visited warmer box .
So. In order to communicate with this specimen of upstanding initiative and cognitive skills _ I resorted to pointing at the menu picture and saying "What do you call that?"
"Potatoes and Gravy" he smugly responds.
"Well give me a fucking tub of your fucking Potatoes and Gravy, or whatever you want to call it, you pox ridden fucking retard - for fucks sake" - in a nice loud and clear voice. That seemed to do the trick.
"We don't do mashed spuds". What a fucken dickhead.
I'd love to do a performance review on this cunt.
What's "Muddy"? Why did you drive all that way to get it?
As for your interactions with people on your travels, all very interesting and this made for an enjoyable read, even if I only understood about 2/3 of it.
But I'm beginning to see through the Rackorfian filter. You don't actually talk to people like that in real life -- I rather doubt you have Tourettes Syndrome and more to the point, you wouldn't have gotten this far. But in the retelling, this is what you wanted to say.
Am I right?
A Muddy is a mudcrab- the fucken things run around like cockroaches over there. I thought that i'd get one as I happened to be in the region -- fucken rip off queensland cunts - $80 fucken dollars - as if.
Your a tad off with ya reckoning Arc. that is exactly how I speak to people in real life. I don't have Tourettes, generally I just have a low tolerance to dickheads and don't mind telling whichever cunt needs telling.
It gets results quickly, you should try it.
Good thing Arc asked what I wondered myself. I was beginning to feel I needed a thesaurus to get through this post, but I really enjoyed it.
I now know that if come to Australia I won't know what to call a single thing I try to order in a restaurant.
Yeah I know, harden the fuck up. :)
Well, it's similar to what happens in the American State of Maryland, which borders Washington, D.C. Maryland is known for its Chesapeake Bay crabs ... and crab cakes are all the rage, both soft shell and mixed up with bread. You will often see crabcakes on the menu for $20 -- consisting pretty much of a big, ground up ball of Wonder bread and a few flecks of crabs.
Re. your interactions with people, that may be, but I can't help but wonder how you sometimes don't get into physical confrontations with people on a regular basis.
Just ask for a "maggot bag an dead horse" little things, that'll set ya right.
Hey Arc, I'd suppose that being 6'2" covered in tatts and having a long background in martial arts sort of helps a bit.
That's quite interesting ... without commenting on that, it nonetheless begs the question of why you find my blog interesting. I'm about as wussified and fearful and nutty as can be and still actually function in normal society. Our "Venn Diagram" overlap, I am assuming, is the null set.
As for the blogosphere, the ONLY bloggers who read my blog -- other than my friends and on rare occasion, Mr. Sirius, just because he likes to know what I'm writing about him, and I can't really blame him -- are 35 to 55 year old married females in the American suburbs. Any interaction I have with a [straight] guy via a blog invariably ends with them deleting a link to my blog, which I never asked them to make in the first place.
This just happened with Rat, whom you may have come across on some blogs we frequent in common, and whose obsession with female breasts is pathological. So I responded in kind and deleted the link on my blog to his.
I don't understand people, though I suppose it really doesn't matter. I mean, it's not like I actually know these people.
You seem to be a fairly intelligent sort of cunt, quite often having interesting posts about the stars and other natural phenomenon. As we seem to be diametrically opposed with our respective lifestyles, it is also somewhat interesting to have a window into a completely different, (and one that I could never even remotely consider living), sort of life in a distant country.
I've never come across the rat but cannot think of a reason to delete your link as yet, and you have been posting here quite a while now.
I've been taking my ginko biloba or ginseng or whatever the hell that shit is that's supposed to make you smart, so I understood 'mashed spuds'.
And, how did those people in line - you know, the fat cunts and dickheads - not cry when you ripped them to shreds?
They may well have, they did seem rather shell shocked.
If they look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis they will find sympathy.
hahahahahah I grew up in Mackay you know. I'm stoked that you found a good feed. Next time you're there, head up to Eimeo pub and write about the view, eh? Meals are simple, cheap and the view is one of the best around.
AND if you're gonna get a muddy next time, you're better off catching it yourself, or going to the fish shop near the Pioneer River, industrial estate. Its off the Pioneer Bridge.
You might also run into some one who is checking their crab pots and they might be willing to part with it, for less than 80 bucks.
I hate that mash spud shit from kentucky duck. I used to love their bean salad, and roast chook.
What in the HELL are you all talking about? I think Arc is the only one writing in a language I understand! :)
As for 6'2", covered in tats and a long history in martial arts...when in the HELL are you going to post a picture?
I'm tres intrigued!
Cheers for the tips miss smack - next time I'm up there, I'll check it out.
littlethings - bloody foreigners!!
And as for a picture, until hell freezes over, you'll have to remain tres intrigued;)
I have a good imagination. Guess that will have to do.
Ok I'm going to change the subject & talk about crabs, Or brag about crabs...Dungeness crabs, the crab James Beard spoke of when he described a ‘meal the gods intended only for the pure in palate.’
Nothing muddy about our Oregon coast Dungeness crabs. No siree...
The poor wee little things, (from what an image search showed me), why are their claws all withered up and shrunken looking as opposed to our esteemed mud crabs magnificent and bulky set of claws?
Is it something in the water?
Kentucky Duck, ie- a chicken that is a total of 2 and a half weeks old, made from steroids and 24hr grow lights and lots of growth hormones with antibiotics. MMMMMMMMMM YUUUMMM. Usually served by someone who's face caught fire and was put out with a pick, and when they are on the late shift are making the mayo out the back. Its about the same quality as Mc Dogshit , i see they had a burger naming comp a while ago ( the Backyard Burger ) was the winner, well what sort of fucken retard would think of that. If someone made me one like that at a barby id fuken throw it at them,. A better name for the burger would have been
(The Disgruntled 15yr old workers Jism and Pubes with Spit Burger) because that is exactly what you would get from Mcdonalds .
As much as it pains me to admit i went there a few weeks ago, under extreme duress i must point out coz i wasnt fukn driving the car we were in, i actually bought a coffee from the scumy cunts ( coz i could see them make it ).
Anyway i was sittn outside with me mate who was eating sum shit that looked like cat spew for breakfast, and i just gazed around,,, well to my horror and absolute disgust there was a lady ( well i think it was female im not sure and didnt want to ask) sitting inside the dining room. She--- or it would have been about a size 26-28, and was devouring about 3 of the biggest jism burgers they had on the menu for breakfast. This things arse cheeks drooped over the chair about 8 inches all around and was sweating already at 830 am, for fuks sake it wasnt even 20 degrees.
Well i just about fuken spewed watching the pig of a thing eat, but i pointed it out to me mate who started dry reaching, haaa haa wat a pisser, he left half the shit he was eating and said i was a cunt and we left.
That is fucken disgusting you sick cunt.
Well done.
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Darn it! I thought I deleted that comment. I really wasn't trying to send you my e-mail. I was trying to you send a picture of crabs.
what an idiot i am.
I did wonder what the fuck was going on.
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