Now I'm a tolerant sort of person, as anyone who knows me can agree to.
But, I really fucken detest these cunts on treadleys, wearing all the flash lycra, who insist on riding five abreast along public roads. Fucken dickheads.
And the wanker "officials" - try to wave me through a stop sign, 'cos the mob of treadly steriod munching cunts are behind me, and don't want to stop. Well guess what cunts. Generally, I stop at Stop signs, because often, there are vehicles that have right of way.
And so, Mr Yellowraincoat, I regard your traffic control skills, and your waving motions, with as much the same sort of credibility as I would a boong outside the Wiluna pub and merely hoped that you would not walk in front of me and cause me to run you over- possibly damaging the roo bar.
(Luckily, as a vehicle was approaching from the right.)
Awww. Poor cunts, had to stop, and go slow through town - (no speeding for this little black duck) - suck shit knobbers.
And the cockheads in fucken "escort vehicles" for the packs of dayglo cunts. Fuck off you wanna be escorts. You do not wave folks to pass on double lines on a blind corner.
But what really gets me is the fucken arrogance of these cunts. Blocking the traffic. And being arseholes about it.
(I once saw one lean on a car, so the feet didn't have to be taken off the pedals at a stop light. Take a hint. Try that to me cunt and I'll cut your fucken paw off.)
Guess what fuckers. If the road is not a formally closed road - you are subject to the normal "keep left" road rules. The whole fucken lot of ya's. And you are not allowed to obstruct the traffic. This is so that you do not get splattered by faster moving traffic, or cause dangerous situations by forcing people to the wrong side of the narrow winding, posted at 100Kmh, road, while you do a roaring 40, in a mob, and not moving over.
Cunts, you suck, get fucked.
I predict that one day, a truck will take out the fucken lot of ya. Hopefully with the 'officials' and 'escort vehicles' as well.
If I have a choice between oncoming 'real' traffic and a mob of arrogant dorks on treadleys, guess what dorks ......
Labels: cycle dorks, dayglo fucktards, speedbumps, useless cunts
Uh, although I don't really get the picture of what you are talking about, I get the impression you're pissed off about it, whatever it is.
... the mob of treadly steroid munching cunts...
I can relate. We have our own version of 'cunts on treadlys' here in the states. I think we call them 'ass pirate cyclists.'
l>t if you are not getting the picture you can be thankful. (Think instant road rage).
Hey Bottle - you got it. Your name for the cunts sounds like they are the same sort. Should have a bounty on the fuckers.
You're a funny bugger. And for once, there's another human being on this earth who detests lycra clad wanka's on bikes as much as me! ;)
Cheers for dropping by..I will be coming back here to read more, that's for sure.
Good on ya utegirl, there is hope for us yet.Clean up a few of the cunts for me!!
I live near a 30 mile two-lane road that is a favorite haunt for practicing bicyclists. Worse, they bring their kids on this road.
Seriously, one look down to my CD player, and I could take one of these riders out.
It makes me tense, though I don't use bad words, rackorf.
We need to bottle this Rackorfian emotive sparkling water and cork it and sell it on the international market.
Living in Washington, D.C., a.k.a. the Capital of the Empire, we have no end of Very Important People motorcades that fuck up traffic. You should see when Der Monkey travels -- the Emperor is deep inside His Bubble, and everything is shut off / blocked / barricade. I hear it costs US$2000 every time Lord Darth Cheney has to travel from his secure undisclosed location at the Naval Observatory grounds to his office in the Old Executive Office Bldg next to the White House (sometimes he actually flies in a helicopter).
For me the biggest annoyance are funeral processions, esp. in urban areas, because the local urban population seems to think that they can fly through red lights and do whatever the hell they please in a funeral procession. Ditto Sunday church services when they park three cars deep on busy roadways.
Exactly my feelings, that happens here too. I think I love you, you crusty mean bugger. :)
Hey little things, how come I don't believe you. Doesn't use "bad words" - bullshit, you could probably teach a bullock driver a few choice ones.
Arc, you can keep your big city shithole and all it's denizens right there.
I'm strictly for the ladies Bryan, but feel free to run a few of the cunts on treadleys down.
So. I spent a good hour last night, reading your archives.
How is it, that you started out as bitter web enemies with "It's the little things", unyet now, you all seem like great mates!?! Got me fair fucked...
Anyway, as per your request to clean up a few of the cunts... I'll keep you posted.
Planning on getting a new Ute in the not too distant future..with a nice big bullbar. =D
It's got me fair fucked too utegirl. Hope that you enjoyed ya reading an had a giggle or two.
nice big bullbar, mmmmmm, roadkill.
Oh, yes, Rackorf, I answered your question about Mars and its close approach to Earth this month. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that myth ... why, I could run right about and buy a bicycle!
Dear Rackorf, do you still have your nasty story about me posted? Ugh.
And I see that Fingers says he hasn't heard "Rackorf" in a long time, and I realized I never got around to asking what your name means?
I do seem to remember a work of fiction that I posted about the time you first visited:) I still have a laugh over that one.
I seem to remember that you liked it - "in a scab picking sort of way".
Rackorf, well it's sort of like Piss Off, as in "Rack off!, hairy legs" was how the old saying went. So when the blogger thingy asked my name, my response was Rackorf.
(I may easily have become Fuckorf instead;)
okay, I'll be the blowfly in the ointment here,
but I don't mind the cyclists one little bit, each one that is on a bike rathere than in a car has got to be doing SOME good. here they usually whip between the cars. I think of all he fumes that could have been....
If I could ride a bike to work, I certainly would. Bt its hilly, and I don't think I could stand the comments that would be yelled at me, especially by dudes in utes.
Having been a cyclist in a previous life, the pedals actually clip onto your feet, so most of the time you cant get your feet out, hence the leaning on the car trick.
Maybe you could ride horses instead, not on the road of course. That would save some petrol and when it's fucked you can get $4.95 a kilo for it!
I reckon I'd look pretty fabulous galloping across the Harbour bridge in peak hour!!!
You're getting ripped off if you're only getting $4.50 a kilo for pet meat.
$4.50...that's YOUR figure, I don't often sell petmeat!!!har
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