This little piggy went to market.
Well not really, this little piggy went and got cut up into oven size bits and eaten by the crew. We still have heaps of the cunts running around the bush here. I saw one across the road from my house, (on the edge of 'town'), the other day.
I'd reckon the bushwalking tourists would shit themselves if they realised what was out there with them.
Of course there's the pigs out there.... but also there is the cougars, which a lot of folks don't realise.
There is at least two different types -(cougars, that is) - around these parts - the small black ones, and the big fucken tawny ones. I had one of these cunts - one of the the big tawny fuckers that is - follow me once, while out walking through some pretty thick bush. I'm sure that if I wasn't switched on I was destined to be it's dinner.
Or maybe it just decided that I was too much of a cunt to eat:)
Bit tough & chewy are ya?! =)
Are you talkin' bout the feral cats? Or the Urban Myths about those released panthers?
I know when I lived up in Woomera, there was talk about US servicemen who brought big cats over from America.
All heresay mind.
Just skin and gristle:)
Yeh we got some big feral cats, but i've seen two of the black cougars and one tawney one and they sure aren't any feral cat.
I've also seen some big cat tracks, and I mean fucken big, following up a roo tracks through a bit of sand.
We've got the service stories here too, and the overturned circus wagon, who knows.
But they are there.
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada.If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).
What a lovely site, Rackorf.
You truly are a man of the land.
Your sense of calm permeates throughout. I feel as though I'm a small piece of paperbark drifting idly on the surface of a billabong...
Ooooh, SPAMMER!!! Can't wait to see what Rackorf has to say about that. He,he,he..
Ps..you should have your "Word Verification" thingy on, to help prevent spammers.
Why thank you fingers, I can see that you have an impeccable taste.
As for camiwhatevawheelbarra, get fucked you cunt. I don't want to put you on the address thimngy. So why don't you pull ya manky stinking pissflaps wide open, stick ya head up ya pox ridden, slime dripping twat and disappear you fucken mol.
Nah really it's only about the third time I've had the shit come up utegirl. If it gets to be a drama I'll turn the WV on:)
what the bugger are you on about COUGARS for?
I think you are hallucinating.
Too much hogmeat.
Truly disgusting.
hey fifi..here ya go
* cos i've seen them and think that it is interesting
* i assure you I am not
* I am not real keen on pork actualy, maybe a little oven size grunter at times
* what's disgusting about a dead feral pig? I was horrified at your awful post of a poor half eaten bream, the poor fucken thing.
I'm glad to see that Rackorf and Fifi have really hit it off ... And it's all my fault.
What's a bream?
And what did you mean if you hadn't been "switched on," the cougar would've eaten you?
By the way, I could've used your help the other night in the shitty cunty feral bushy bog of D.C., as I alluded to in my reply to your nice comment in my current entry.
A bream is a fish. fifi posted a rank piccy of one with half its body gone recently.
What's going on over there in your country? Dead pigs. Dead fish. Hmmmm. I'd be getting a little concerned if I were Rackorf or Fifi.
cougars.... COUGARS???
How big?
What are they, feral cats or something?
My bream picture was not rank!
Feral pigs are disgusting though.You must agree with that.
I wouldn't be eating one.
Speaking of dickhead tourists...
Last weekend, there was a slack-jawed yokel standing on the footpath next to a touch-screen parking meter in Double Bay, with a $1 coin in his hand, looking utterly lost.
I asked him if he needed any assistance, coz you know, the city can be a scary place for a tumbleweed from The Kimberleys.
He said, 'Mate, do you know if I can make an interstate call on this phone for a dollar ??'
I shit thee not...
little thingy - dead animals generally mean a good feed. I've eaten maggotty road kill at times - yum...you just imagine that the maggots are rice.
fifi - the bigger version, the tawny one, stands about waist high - check out what an american mountain lion looks like and you'll get the picture.
Feral pigs actually taste heaps better than shop bought pink pigs - they have a lot less fat and the little oven size ones are a good feed. Mind you the bigger cunts taste alright on a spit.
Fingers - touch screen parking meters, never seen one of them. Then again when you're a hillbilly you don't have to worry about them. City rules are only for city folks:)
What's a parking meter?
I'm no PETA drone, but I must admit that I'm sad over the pic of the dead pig. Reminds me of my last boyfriend. :-(
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