It's a sign from above!!
I told you'se cunts not to fucken vote for girlyman krudd and his rat faced mol of a sidekick. For fucks sake!!
See what you've fucken done now. Dickheads. Now we're all even more fucked.
Why the fuck would you take something that is working well and fucken ditch it is beyond me. Now with girlyman and ratfacemol in charge, (who probably like to dress up in gimp suits and fuck each other up the arse in private - while fantasizing about kevin reynolds and joe the mac joining in with a bottle of union oil for a slippery orgy with the wharfies and femo-nazis), we have no fucken chance.
krudd looks like the sort of dobbing little cunt at every school who give everyone the shits. (Like that cunt on the simpsons). The sort of head that instinctively makes you feel like punching the smug fucken look off it and makes your knuckles ache in anticipation and longing for the sensation of smacking into that prissy looking face.
ratfacemol, looks like a sour sort of fucken thing. A real bucket of fucked up femo-nazi hatreds mixed with union, (women in the workplace), lawyer. As a single white male, I can't say that I'm looking forward to her fucken ideas.
[Childcare payments - fuck off. You had the fucken kid, YOU fucken pay for the cunt. Don't expect ME to fucken subsidize your fucking retarded offspring, so that you can get another job, and fucken family benefits. Fuck off and study Mrs Beeton until you get it.]
And as for you costello you weak gutted cunt, maybe if you'd taken a bit more of a profile folks might have given you a go. Now you've fucken dropped ya bundle before you've even had a crack at it. Better we find out now I 'spose. Fuck off scrote.
I bought my first box of piss under a labor gumbiment today and where it was $37 a week ago, now sets me back $42.
Fucken thieving cunts.
um...how did they increase the tax on your piss in one day baby?
that is fucked up hard.
i will be clawing in the childcare benefit when i give up blogging for paid toil. why the fuck shouldn't i rackie? every other cunt is going to get it, my man gives up most of his wages in tax. i'd be a cunt to pay full fare while the welfare bludgers bludge...
i'm so depressed about labor winning the election i barely have a sex drive. if i don't want to fuck, then things are pretty fucking gloomy.
I don't know how they did it in one day kitty - but the fact remains, piss costs more now.
I guess I'm super dirty on the childcare issue as I've spent the last 18 years being fucked over by the child support agency. The fair system where I get to pay support based on my gross earnings, then pay tax on the full amount, then cannot claim a fucking cent back for dependents. (Yep, a labor idea), The idea of paying for every other cunts kids as well galls me no end.
Try to fuck on through it anyway kitty, in a couple of years we'll be able to kick the cunts out and spend the next 15 years after that rebuilding the economy - unless the indos decide that they could do a better job at it that is.
rackie - please email me i have something to show you x
Elegantly stated, Rack.
Don't suppose I'll be seeing much of Mal Turnbull knocking on my door each week to see what he can do for me, now that he's got his job secured for another 4 years.
Shame, coz I was getting used to our little chats in the hallway.
I have this idea, whereby he appoints Shane Warne as his deputy leader, makes Natalie from Idol shadow treasure-cunt, gets his front bench to appear on 'Dancing With The Stars' next season...
i feel for you, thats how i felt after the last election when John got his job back...
Sigh. I have nothing to contribute to a conversation about Australian politics. I keep thinking I'll learn something from the comments sections of some of my favorite blogs, but I think I'm only learning that everyone seems to be dissatisfied.
funny that. That EVERYONE seems dissatisfied.. makes you wonder then, why the majority voted Labor in, doesn't it? Weird.
Get over. Us poor folk had to live with howard for 11 fucking years ripping us off, now its your turn.
Cheers kitty - very nice;)
Your idea would probably get them elected fingers.
Hey dog an wheelbarranamecunt - Johhny might have been a dork, but everyone that wanted a job has one. Why the majority voted them out has me fucked. Brain dead i'd guess - which is a bit of a worry when you think about it.
littlethingy - ummmm yes. And you have learnt something as well...some cunts have stupidly fucken long web names like rumplestiltskin cunt or wheelbarranamecunt.....
God! you are fucking awful. Why do I keep coming back? You are like a bad habit.
Not a bad habit like biting my fingernails, but a really bad habit like...well, I don't want to say.
Glad to be of service handymaiden ;)
I'm judging by your reply to Kitty that you, Mr. Rackorf, have at least one child offspring somewhere on this good Earth!
Re. your political diatribe, please. Get over yourself. Try living in the nightmare era of Bush the Flying Monkey here in the States. And you know I'm right. Whatever conservative leanings you have in Australian politics, you know I'm right when it comes to Bush the Lesser.
You can keep that cunt.
[Childcare payments - fuck off. You had the fucken kid, YOU fucken pay for the cunt. Don't expect ME to fucken subsidize your fucking retarded offspring ...
I couldn't agree more. We have politicians here in the U.S. who want to make everybody pay $5,000 to go to a college fund for kids. Sounds great in theory, but I don't wanna pay for YOUR fucking kids! I'll pay for my own kids, thank you! This Socialistic/Communistic bullshit needs to be stopped.
I'd like to know where BottleBlonde heard that last one. That's the kind of stuff that gets recycled on rightwing radio and the Fox Noise Channel but has precious little basis in reality. America is so far from Socialism that we consider letting people die without health insurance some sort of badge of honor and 79 cent toothpaste at Wal-Mart from China from a wage slave of a sales clerk as the pinnacle of 13.7 billion years of Creation, oops, sorry, 7000 years and the essence of Christianity.
America is in serious trouble these days.
ohdearnevermind, congrats , most of the people i have talked to voted for kev dudd coz they just thought it was time for a change, FUCKWITS. arent they happy paying 7.5% interest and a good choice of work to boot, nahh nahh im bored, lets fuck things right up and vote to put the price of labour , interest and everything else up too while we are there .
If and only if interest rates dont change soon , the only reason is they have the gst to cash up on,(memba they didnt want it either but no talkys about gettn rid of that now is there)
Ol poofy Kev dusnt even want mr Garrat to say fukall either , i wonder why, must be sumthin about being a full on greeny, which no government likes hey
Anonymous- if you could actually talk like a proper human being, I MAY just be able to understand wtf you are going on about.
As for interest rates; didn't mister HowHard promise through his crooked teeth that they would "NEVER" go up to this level??
Good choice of work? Oh, excuse me, but you must be one of the rich fuckers who are benefiting off the WPR laws.. obviously NOT a hard working blue collar worker who gets fucked over by being fired one minute, and hired back again with shit pay and more hours?
Let's just wait and see shall we.. see if Mr Rudd can do any better?
hell, we surely cannot do any fucking worse.
I can understand anonymous just fine wheelbarranamecunt.
Wotsorta bluecolla backgound you got I wonder?
Getting fired and re-hired?? And you fucken went back I suppose...
Good workers dont get fired, only useless cunts.
Besides that , if you dont like your job , fuck off.
The biggest whingers of the workplace laws as far as i have seen, are useless fullon union cunts that couldnt work in an iron lung anyway, and have never had to answer for being one because they have joined an organization that protects oxygen thieves as long as they pay them money.
ps dont think im hiding by being annon coz il soon have my own blog so you can bag the fuk out of it.
Anyway im of to bed as ive done a fair days work for a fair days pay, and need to be fresh for tomorrow to do it again
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