Check out this cunt!
Taken up North in WA.
A poor starving little rock python having a bit of a graze on a medium size roo.
The poor fucker is having to eat a manky roo 'cos his normal food supply of pissed coons, (thats niggers for the overseas visitors), have all fucked off to the tourist towns to drink full strength piss and shit on the pavement in front of visiting tourists eating in the restaurants. Nice. The cunts have had to make the move though, as they can't buy full strength piss in their charming and quaint little villages now. What are they to do?
How the fuck are they meant to get pissed and smash things up (other coons, the missus, the kids, the house) or get a root (the kids, some other cunts missus) if there's no woobla.
Well, I suppose it is the sort of cultural experience that you wouldn't forget in a while.
And I bet you thought I was going to talk about the snake.
hey hey hey! why so grumpy?
i guess i won't find any yothu yindi in your cd collection with that sort of attitude!
have a good weekend rackie!!
I think Rackorf just needs a hug ... but since he lives pretty much on the other side of the planet, that's not practical. So how about instead I send you a present. I was thinking of a Tickle-Me-Elmo??
On second thought, Nooft would maul it to pieces.
Good God rackorf! Do you HAVE to be so politically incorrect?
Hey Kitty, have you ever heard the cover of "Jailbreak" (AC/DC) that Yothu Yindi did? Its fucken awesome - I'd buy the album just for the track. You have a good weekend too:)
You might be right about Nooft, Arc - you'd better send rum instead...
Good god handmaiden, you're right!! I meant to say boongs.
Is it true that Aboriginals turn into uranium if you bury them deep enough...
Yes it is, but you need to add a dash of Wagyl and some dot paintings as well, else they don't ferment properly.
Racist, ignorant and poisonous comments that do nothing but hurt.
You are an obviously unintelligent man who uses shock and awe.. ( I can say cunt too, does that make me smart?) to attempt to get himself read. No need to respond to this comment because I will not tread in your vile part of the internet again.
oh and I am posting anonymously because I do not want my name associated with your horrid ramblings. You will know who I am by the deletion of any remark you ever make on my blog again.
Has anyone ever told you that you are not funny, that you sound like a moron and the laughter that follows your posts/ comments is one of embarrassed disbelief at your ignorance and audacity to think people are interested in what a fool like yourself has to say?
Hey anonymous you cunt, if you cared to read my posts you will see that I do not make racist comments. I simply state what is, over here at least, the fucken facts - sad though they may be - and whether my post happens to fit in with your version of ideal literary content is irrelevant. (You can view the pictures and read the story yourself if you care to visit the websites of either the Sunday Times or the Saturday edition of the West Australian from a couple of weeks ago and conduct a bit of a search on the topic referred to in the post.)
I have a lot of respect for any
people, black, white or fucken brindle, who show some sort of pride in themselves.
Cunts that are useless, drunken, drugfucked, bludging, thieving and shifty, again - be they black, white, or fucken brindle - I have no fucken respect for whatsoever. They are useless cunts. Period.
As for the content of my posts - I will continue to post whatever I fucken want to, regardless of whether you deem me funny or otherwise.
If you, or anyone else, does not like what you are reading here.
It's simple....
fuck off.
yikes! I think I'll just tiptoe out of here.
i love you.
See what you've done now anonymouse you cunt - scared poor little handmaiden with your fucken insensitive comment. What a cunt act!!
Ummmm... I gather you like the content then dog?
come back ladies, it wasn't meant in a man on man sweaty way
i love rackie. i get his point.
i am a phat cat and i get my share of haters who leave abuse too.
i've learnt through trial and error not to let it bother me.
why is it that everyone who embraces their inner cunt and uses the word a lot gets so much...SHIT?
cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt.
i want to be the meat in a dog/rackorf sammich. though you guys don't have to...you know... each other. yeeeuch.
oh i have not heard that cover by yothu yindi rackie, but i shall illegally download it and listen to it poste haste.
Good on ya kitty, cunt has such a nice ring to it don't you think.
You'll love the yothu yindi download, if anything it's even better than the original.
Looking forward to the sandwich, or maybe a spitroast one day ;)
Oh Rackorf....stirring up the internet again, I see?
Are you going to write a poem for Anonymous?
Well I do like fishing....
Writing a poem may be a nice idea. I'll look into it :)
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