other drivers
Sometimes I would like to still be driving trucks..at least they're relatively fuckwit derived impact resistant... long nose kenworth with huge bullbar : 1, fuckhead cunt in commodoor : 0.
todays catagory is the pisshead that sat up all night drinking piss, has woken up late and is speeding to get to work, (that'd be interesting to work around on an industrial strip- refinerys full of bad shit - acids, fumes and a thousand others)
another few that piss me off are;
"the dangly shit hanging from the mirrror cunts" - mostly new age braindead sheila's that believe thier dangly shit is going to protect them in white light..so they don't have to worry too much about steering and stuff, they can fluff their hair and fuck around with the radio, bop along to the radio..all the while the dangly shit desentitises them to movements from the side roads..then they act surprised that they had a prang
"the first ever bunky road warrior cunt" - just got my new car..it's a datto thats fucked but i'll spend heaps on a doof-doof sound sytem, fit fat tyres and a loud exhaust. then try to do burnout's that are just a little cheeep and lurch. too busy looking at themselves, pulling their dicks and doofing to worry about where they are going
"the flashed up new nissan sports road warrior cunt" - as above 'cept for a flasho sports car with a turbo that their rich old man just got them.. spoilt all their lives and can't drive for shit..but they think they can..
"the horse trailer cunts"- why don't you use a backroad for crawling down at 50 below the limit you fuckheads? can't you see the line of traffic that stretches back five kays and you fucken speed up when there's a passing lane..had a mate following one once and the horse fell through the floor of the float - at 70kmh - ground it's legs off and despite efforts to let them know, were oblivious to the flashing headlights and horn..fucken serve them right . ignorant cunts.
"caravan cunts" - as above, cept for the "Flo and Kev - channnel 13" on the back.. that you get to look at for fucking miles and wish that you had a two way, ...next time i will..."hey flo and kev, got ya ears on?"..."yes we have, how are you going?".."well ya see kev thats the fucking thing. I'm not really going as well as I could be, like at 110 as opposed to your 70 fucking km an hour, but you see I can't, 'cos some ignorant cunt is totally oblious to the fact that he is fucking up my day, as well as everyone else's in the fucken traffic jam behind them, so kev..why doncha pull over and let us go past you fucking rude ignorant cunt..you too fucken flo...fucking get out of the way you cunts", "......" , "yes kev, you! you fucken braindead cunt if you don't get out of the way I'm going to tip your fucken caravan cunt up with my bullbar then stalk ya with me truck like in that movie GET OUT OFF THE WAY NOW KEV "
"cunts that wear hats while driving" - lots of volvo drivers in this one- what can I say..worse if they are in multiples in the same car..they all talk a lot while having to look at each other...take a taxi to ya fucken social club or bowling or fucken whatever...dangerous cunts....farmer joe..use a back road ya cunt
well it's not a full list but it's a start..any other suggestions? What could be done to rid our streets of the scurge of braindead steerers?
An option that might have some marketing appeal might be to put them all in a methonol fueled demolition derby, caravans are towed by V-8's on full throttle, where they can smack the shit out of each other with their cunty driving habits and foxtel can broadcast it," yeah give it to it kev ya cunt!"