after the fire

after the fire it has been, well, fucking excellent...all the tourists have gone home 'cos the river reserve has been closed....the river reserve has also been missed by the fire....
yesterday was a nice warm summers day so I loaded up a couple of beers and headed off down some tracks...surprisingly I ended up in the back off the river reserve at a nice little spot I know, sandy beach, bit of shade, birds singing...and best of all no fucken tourists to annoy me with their screaming, and general acts of dickheadishness...(there's a tree where I parked that some brainless cunt had ringbarked with an axe...what is going on in their'd be the axe if I saw them)...
spent a nice afternoon kicking back in the sun with my boots off and toes in the water....thought about getting minnowed up and going for a redfin but was too relaxed to be bothered..
it'd be nice if the river was like ten years ago when there was bugger all tourists down there, just the locals doing the right thing and enjoying it's all broken glass and rubbish, fuckheads lighting fires and crashing their cars, (although if they only total their vehicle it's a laugh, as my mate gets paid to tow it away..then we check out the damage..seen some fucken beauties was a sheila whose glasses were found on the seat, (she was wearing them at the time of impact), they were in pretty good shape except for one lens had a hole like a bullet hole punched in it ..from the inside...we ended up guessing that her eyeball must have jumped out a bit and impacted the glass in just that spot with the right amount of force...
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