Tuesday, December 20, 2005

christmas wishes

All that I would really like for christmas is for the fucked up femo-nazi cunts in the child support agency to have an absolutely rotten time. A pestilance and plague on them and their families. I hope that they all get a lingering fatal disease that will slowly consume them, especially glenda scott, who I have never met but absolutely hate with a passion. Die you fucken scum bag parasites!
I am usually mild mannered and polite, however ten years of torment and mental abuse tends to bias you against the abusers.
You see in our fair country, which I love, the system allows fellas to be set up by calculating whores. These cunts get with child, (It's ok I'm on the pill), then steal your child by dissappearing without leaving an address, then fucken bleed you dry for the next eighteen years!!
The last time I saw my daughter, she was six and just started school, I was explaining to her that she should apply herself in school so as to get a good job that would pay well...she looked at me with innocent eyes and replied.."oh..I'm not going to get a job...I'll just have a baby"...where would that attitude come from? Seems pretty obvious to me.
The next access visit, (the following week), the house was empty...i have not seen my daughter since. The only contact that I have had was a letter from her shortly after saying how much she missed me..when you are just learning to write you don't think about return addresses, and of course good ol mum "forgot" to mention it or supply one..
Since then i've been pretty much a cash cow for good ol mum. ( I have no problem with helping to support my daughter and although we separated early in the piece - surprise- paid support voluntarily until the agency put a gun to my head, if you do that forget it).
To all the fellas out there suffering and depressed because of the CSA, I hope that your friends will help you out, as mine have, and that you may have a happy time at this depressing time of year. (just think about getting over the hump..i've only got another two years on my sentence)
To all the CSA staff out there, rot in hell you cunts....


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