Friday, November 11, 2005

flat and splatt

saw the most splattered roo on the road today...dunno what got it, but I could only recognise it, (on the return trip), as a roo 'cos of about 1/2 a tail amongst 30 feet of mince on the road...with a bit of luck it was one of the rally australia fuckheads and it munted the car...think that they are rally drivers cos they've got the same sort of car shape, heaps of spotties on full beam -(in the daytime)...dunno 'bout these cunts..closing our roads and locking out locals from our own backyard...don't spend any money in town..leave heaps of rubbish and cut up tracks....well the trees got a couple of them this year anyway...the powers that be are talking about ditching the rally in favour of some sort of plane circuit race..(looks pretty exiting from the shorts)..above the river up in perth..sound like a good idea to me..For Sale - one rally, complete with dickhead groupie wannabe's in tow.
saw a disappearing shag today as well..fucken amazing what SG's do at 10 feet..there one minute..gone the next!!


Blogger rackorf said...

suck my cock juliet - you skanky fucken mol.

4:02 AM  

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