tough at the top

well this big fella looks like he's having a tough day....I can't believe that it is still so green and we're still getting regular rain and in November...usually things are browning off by now..The flys are friendly, especially around the cow much so that a fly net is a must...when it heats up they will drop off in the sun though and stick to the shade...saw a documentary program once about these folks in the arsehole of africa or somewhere, the place looked mostly like a moonscape but was next to a big lake....obout once a year some wispy grass grows there...that in itself is a mini celebration because they spend their time making nets out of said grass for the highlight of the year...which is when the flys arrive in swarms, sort of like the bat swarms that you see...then they use the nets to catch them and have a fly feast!!! patties on a rock and no mayo thanks...
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