Monday, October 31, 2005


had the fucken religious nuts come calling today...they couldn't possibly realize that maybe the only house in the street with a six foot high barbed wire topped fence and gate, just maybe might have it there for a stopping unwanted visitors and stopping unwanted visitors from getting eaten by the anti social dog....anyway when I suggested that they sneak out again before the dog noticed them..(he was snoozing in the sun out the back).. this arrogant cunt had the fucken audacity the say, in the smarmiest of voices, "well it hasn't noticed us yet has it"...yeh want to fucken bet..i thought as i give him a whistle...they looked funny falling over themselves to beat him to the gate, hahaha, the dog from hell gave them the full show complete with drooling and eye rolling.....if they roll up again, (probably be a while..they walked on the other side of the road for ages..must be a new lot)...i'll tell them that they are just in time to join in sacrificing a goat to keep the underworld happy , that'll probably do the trick ...maybe follow them back to their fucken home and subject them to my view on life, being an arrogant cunt while i'm at it...give the missus, (his), a squeeze on the tit to say gooday...any way mixed up some roundup and made a pentagram shape on the verge with it...nice and big...
this particular mob didn't have the kids in tow...that is usually a S.O.P. for them,,do they think that I will be sympathetic to their drivel 'cos they are dragging a kid around to complete strangers houses in 40 degree c heat..."what did you do on the weekend Johnnie?"..."got dargged around by my arsehole parents doing their hassle people god thingy" ya reckon that he might have some interesting issues later in life?....most of these cunts would be the first to drive straight past ya if ya needed hand...they have to spread the word..don't have time to give someone a they won't help me with the goat either...thank fuck that I live in a country where we can still tell them to fuck off...i bet that they would really, deep in their hearts, love to get their hands on some AK47's and encourage heaps of converts....they are not as extreme as some of the other fanatics, bet they would like a whole country full of believers though and it's only that the situation hasn't presented itself.....i reckon that the whole fucken lot should take themselves off to their relevent god asap and leave the rest of us to figure out our own view of life and moral code...(mine is basically, live and let live, help ya mates..and people in need -within reason..., stay in tune with the small things in nature..), seems to work for me...if my views offend anyone...too bad.. fuck off!


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