whistling kite

geez I need a camera that will let me capture shots like this properly , bit hard to get up close at the best of times, let alone 30ft up a dead tree.
Maybe a slung rope and wait at the top...anyway this is one of a pair of whistling kites that I see sometimes. Last year i saw them training thier young how to catch food on the wing...
so anyway..ther's a bushy goes fishing..catches a feed of fish and as he's cleaning the last of his catch ..up pops a nice big mudcrab ..the bushie gathers it up and sticks it in the back of his ute, chucks in the rest of his stuff and is just about to fuck off when, from out behind a tree pops a fisheries inspector.. i've got ya, catching muddies out of season!! .."what ya on about" says the bushie.. "wot's that in ya ute there, thats a mudcrab!".. says the inspector .."nah" says the bushie.."that's me pet 'bruce'. I bring him down for a swim, put him in the water...he has a swim, comes back and then we go home"..."look i'll show ya".. picks up 'bruce' and puts him back in the water.."off ya go for ya swim bruce..take care mate"... off goes 'bruce'...after a while looking at the water, the inspector says "see it wasn't a pet!! it didn't come back!!" goes the bushie .."what didn't ?"
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