Saturday, December 31, 2005

a new year

well here we are in 2006, nearly, close as fuck for me anyway..a few quiet beers with mates of a like mind and it's early to at 0430..yeehar!..hope that the cunts down the trough keep it down...
speaking of cunts..elton fag cunt is on the tv...i'd better do a cunt of the year award...

number one..elton fag...mostly 'cos he's a cocksucking cunt..(and at present in my face on the tv as well as in the papers...where's a good movie or nature show?)..who gives a fuck about the queer cunt or any other fags for that what ya want but don't tell me about it..that goes for fag mardi gras as well...really..for fuck's sake....might be interesting if they had a bounty on them other wise forget it..

equal number one..all these fucked up religous and ethic cunts..believe in whatever you want...fuck ya goats or whatever...just leave me out of it..

actually they are all rated equal first..the rest of the nominees are..
the family from bumfuck africa that comes here with a munted kid, who proceeds to carc it, and then tells us that we are responsible cos they can't speak english..sounds like they might have a point..ya can't come in unless you can speak english..too dangerous ya go then!!

recently arrived ethnic groups that refuse to join with the predominate culture and participate in our way of life...even though i detest christmas as an corporate induced guilt trip and dislike the poxy carols..i don't really give a fuck about it...however if these folks want to start dictating our lifestyle to us and demand that we adopt their ways then something is going definately wrong...calling chicks sluts on the beach for wearing bathers..what the fuck is wrong with the cunts..

destiny's child for having an excellent outlook on caring for their men but expressing it in such a sickening song..they'd have been better off sucking cock

glenda scottt....a femo-nazi cunt

johnnie howard...dorky cunt..(but he's our dorky cunt.. who could miss that "urr urr" on the media)

well anyway..sink some piss..(for those that do)or don't sink piss..(for those that don't)..and may all the fags fuck themselves to death


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