It's a sign from above!!
I told you'se cunts not to fucken vote for girlyman krudd and his rat faced mol of a sidekick. For fucks sake!!
See what you've fucken done now. Dickheads. Now we're all even more fucked.
Why the fuck would you take something that is working well and fucken ditch it is beyond me. Now with girlyman and ratfacemol in charge, (who probably like to dress up in gimp suits and fuck each other up the arse in private - while fantasizing about kevin reynolds and joe the mac joining in with a bottle of union oil for a slippery orgy with the wharfies and femo-nazis), we have no fucken chance.
krudd looks like the sort of dobbing little cunt at every school who give everyone the shits. (Like that cunt on the simpsons). The sort of head that instinctively makes you feel like punching the smug fucken look off it and makes your knuckles ache in anticipation and longing for the sensation of smacking into that prissy looking face.
ratfacemol, looks like a sour sort of fucken thing. A real bucket of fucked up femo-nazi hatreds mixed with union, (women in the workplace), lawyer. As a single white male, I can't say that I'm looking forward to her fucken ideas.
[Childcare payments - fuck off. You had the fucken kid, YOU fucken pay for the cunt. Don't expect ME to fucken subsidize your fucking retarded offspring, so that you can get another job, and fucken family benefits. Fuck off and study Mrs Beeton until you get it.]
And as for you costello you weak gutted cunt, maybe if you'd taken a bit more of a profile folks might have given you a go. Now you've fucken dropped ya bundle before you've even had a crack at it. Better we find out now I 'spose. Fuck off scrote.
I bought my first box of piss under a labor gumbiment today and where it was $37 a week ago, now sets me back $42.
Fucken thieving cunts.