Well here we go again.
Fucken world news, again, and again, ad nauseum.
The fucking "Princess".
The loved by all, peoples princess, walks on water, should be sainted, blah fucking blah, "Princess".
Well go and get fucked you cunts.
For starters, I didn't watch the fucking wedding - (and it fucked up my viewing of a favorite movie). Why should I give a shit about some cunts I don't know, and to be frank that seem slightly retarded on the whole, (with the exception of the old boy Phil - he's always good for a funny comment at a public event), getting married.
It's bad enough too, to have the Queens head on one side of a fifty cent piece - let alone her fucking offspring and rellies on the other side as well. Geez I hope that they don't do a tenth anniversary model. (It wouldn't be half as obnoxious if they acted like fucking royalty _"Orf with their fucking heads you slack fucking beefeater cunts, then stick the fucken things on a big fucking pole at the gates. Suck shit, soon to be headless losers!!)
The "Princess". What can I say.
In my book the bitch was a slut. Pure and fucking simple, cheating, lying mol. So fuck off with ya "so sweet, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth" attitude. And by the way, with the amount of cum the slag would've gobbled, the butter would have melted from the combined latent heat of constant cum load and friction.
I mean really, the cunt has pulled more fucking trains than Thomas the Tank Engine. It seems that half the boys at the Army barracks had the mols number: - 1800 slutty princess, good time guaranteed. Her boys can probably still see it on the back of the dunny doors around the bases.
She was probably the town bike for fucken years before that.
As for the car prang, the driver probably lost control in a bit of wild foursome action, while she was giving his knob a bit of a polish, with Dodi fucking her up the arse and the bodyguard licking her out (and probably his bosses nuts as well).
The cunt was probably sussing out the lepers for likely roots. Maybe she was a really kinky type of slut.
All while cleverly masquerading as a Princess.
What a fucken mol.
Labels: cumbucket