Interesting few days we've been having, 40+ degree heat and some fuckhead lighting fires. The wind has varied from howling easterly to SW. This fire came within 2km of home and has burnt out quite a few places, some of them my mates.
Some of the stories that are starting to come out are eye opening, as are the things that you see. For example, a eighteen foot high prickly pear cactus that is now charcoal and still standing.
Anyway, we await the wind, if it comes our way again we will do what we can, then sink piss on the town oval while everything burns.
At least no-one has been killed yet.
As for the firebug cunts, they want to hope that the cops get them before we find out who they are, as we have a few good ideas of what to do with the them.
As I sit at my desk, clad in a very thick sweatshirt and wool socks, it is hard to imagine heat at all.
And as for pyromania...I just don't get it. Do Not Get It.
Hope you stay safe!
Thanks little things, I'm putting sprinklers on the roof today - don't know how effective they will be but ya gotta have a go.
Hi rackorf! I hope you are OK & the danger has passed. Rotten fucking luck!
Thanks l>t, another couple of days should see us right - then again when you live in the woods you're never out of the woods. At least only a couple of people have been hurt - one run over in the smoke, one with burnt feet.
The one with burnt feet, apparently the house windows all exploded at once as the front came through and he had to hotfoot it as best he could.
The fire fronts have been moving at about 70km/h in places. What happens is the gum trees are full of volatile oils and in an event like this they simply explode into flames - the entire crown of the tree that is, then the next one and so on.
What does "sink piss on the town oval" mean?
Thank you for sharing the picture ... it sounds a bit dicey with fires that close. Surely this must happen every summer fire season that there are fires that get uncomfortably close?
What pray tell would you do to the firebug cunts if you caught them?
Oh, yes, it's been well over a month since somebody even left a g'day on my blog. Just sayin'
sink piss = drink beer
The problem with the fires this year is that the prescribed burning, to keep the fuel levels down, hasn't been carried out as all the city cunts whinge about the smoke. This combined with the dry winter and current extreme weather conditions, 40+ degrees, and very strong winds makes the fire risk higher than usual.
Some of the good ideas for fire bug cunts that I have heard are;
chain them to a burning tree, or
hang them on the oval, or
chuck them in the fire.
Personally i'd like to tie them up and set a thermite reaction going on them, starting at the feet.
I haven't been posting or commenting much as I have been doing two jobs and studying as well. Usual day is 0300- 2200, seven days a week. Another couple of months will see the study finished - for now anyway.
What are you studying?
You're so interesting!
Occupational health and safety this time, Auditing will be the next cab off the rank.
Basically getting the bits of paper to catch up with what I do for a crust.
Glad you find me interesting, you've got some interesting yarns yourself!!
Alright, Where the fuck are you? Not burnt to a crisp i hope?
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