Talking with a few crew the other day, about our charming (not so) local indigenous brothers who have decided to relocate themselves to near our neck of the woods. Apparently they have a history of being moved on, from a vast and entensive range of (I'd image now thankful) neighborhoods.

From what I've heard I'm glad I'm not in their street- I think that we would have issues.
What do you do to emphasise to your fluctuating numbers of neighbors, any where between 30 - 60 of them, all on the piss, twenty four seven, that maybe they should just give it a rest?
Recently a group of them, one with a home made spear, invaded a backyard barby- they got the shit punched out of them for their efforts - then come back with the rest of the mob and trashed the house.
What do you do when they have a mob of kids wagging school and stealing shit, as the norm?
What do you call a heap of these cunts, (well if there is more than three of them)?
Just as you have a flock of geese, a mob of roos, a pod of dolphins and a mischief of mice , you have a drunk of boongs.
What does "all on the piss" mean? And a "drunk of boongs"? Actually, I think I know what that one means.
I dunno. People are people. They do fucking awful things at times. Are some people more prone to it than others because of their racial or ethnic characteristics, or is that a proxy for other -- excuse me -- socio-politico-cultural-economic factors? Does it matter?
Just get an agressive male 'roo in that backyard barby and I guarantee you the boongs ... not to mention the guests ... will be gone. Problem solved.
I've heard it said that alot of American Indians have a low tolerance for alcohol. Maybe these people shouldn't drink for one thing. Maybe, drinking makes them crazy?
Whatever the case is, It sounds like a real problem.
Over here, we call alcohol piss. Hence "On the piss", "pissups" and if an object is pissed - it is crooked or bent.
I've also heard that the American Indians have a lot of the same issues. It does seem true of a lot of relatively recently conquered races with no pevious exposure to white mans poison.
I suppose that only a couple of generations or so ago our indigenous brothers over here were a living stone age culture.
The trouble goes deeper than mere alcohol though, they also have a propensity for petrol, glue, paint, duplicating fluid or any other shit that will get them off their heads.
A lot of them have completely lost their self esteem and culture.
Part of the origional culture is that there is no ownership of property. All is shared. Which while good in the stoneage, does little to help those of them who wish to accept things as they are and try to get ahead when fourty or so cousins roll up to basically help themselves to anything that they want - including anything of the neighbors.
A mate of mine drove a 950 Cat loader over to a similar mobs house in Moora a few years ago, after they stole money and tools from his house. (The tools were taken to hock - not use).
Just as he nearly gets there, they pull up in front of the house in a station wagon.... so he drops the bucket on it...boongs flying out fucken everywhere...and they all run into the house. So Pugs just drives the loader through the house and flattened the whole fucken thing. The local community was overjoyed - the cops were not. (3 years in the slot)
wow. that sounds alot like the American Indian issue.(not being an Indian of course I only see from my limited point of veiw) After the American Indians were conquered the ones that weren't killed off were put on reservations & treated as 2nd class citizens.
Finally they got smart & got into the casino racket.(through legislation) Now some Indian tribes are doing well
Continued: owning these Casinos. Casinos are all over the place.
One way to get back at the oppressor, huh? Take his money.
The stuff you are talking about is really too bad for everyone. I hope you all can come up with a good solution.
What is this indigenous people called?
My friend in NZ talks about their indigenous people, but my mind is blank as to what they are called.
And to tack onto the alcohol thing...in one of my alcohol education classes i learned that different races have different tolerance levels. if you have a low tolerance, then it is akin to an allergy of sorts.
Japanese, American Indian and Irish have like a 99% intolerance level.
Jewish people, though not a race of course, have a 2% intolerance level.
It was very interesting...
We have different language groups, around this area Noongars, over east(Sydney way) Koori's. NZ is like you said Maori.
I had suspected the allergy (or intolerance) issue for a while as I've seen some of them drink one beer and turn into a fuckwit. Mind you I've seen quite a few people generally where the same thing happens -maybe they had Irish in them.
The casino thing sounds like a good idea. Getting most of them motivated enough to do any fucken thing at all is the problem. They like the "sit-down" money.
Maori! That's it.
I saw a NZ movie...something about Kings...that touched on the their culture a bit.
Very sad.
A good NZ movie is 'once were warriors'. It sort of shows the culture as it is now.
Its good to see the hero of the movie win through.
Good on ya Jake.
I totally agree with L>T about how the Aborigines should get in on the gambling casino racket. The Native Americans who have done that have in many cases cleaned up -- they're rolling in money. Not all of them, though. And it does tend to breed corruption. Plus so many of our Native Americans are morbidly obese. Read up about the Pima Native Americans -- those who were "lucky" enuf to become Americans by being on the Arizona side and the traditional Pima who are on the Sonoran (Mexico) side.
It seems -- and I'm on really shaky ground here in terms of sounding soooo racist -- but it seems to me that Native Americans tended to pick up the bad characteristics of Europeans/Americans, e.g. greed and avarice and substance abuse, but fewer of the good qualities, e.g. the kind of critical thinking that comes with a scientific and technical perspective of the world in which you don't accept things on faith in what others tell you alone.
Acually, I think the American Indians connected with some good advocacy Lawyers.
I really should look that up.
As you say Arc., the issue of picking up all the bad habits and traits of european "civilisation" does seem to predominate amongst our native brothers. It may just be that the ones that are most in your face are the ones on the wanted posters or laying around in the park and you don't see too many of the others doing their own thing in peace.
I don't think that it is racist to call a spade a spade, and if someone is a useless cunt, then they are a useless cunt - whether they be black, white, or brindle.
I don't think the gumbiment would go for the casino idea over here, they are pretty anal about gambling - down the extent of banning two-up - (the fucking national game) - within 100km of the casino in Perth. Un Australian cunts.
The other problem you would probably have, if they were providing staffing from amongst the indigenous ranks, is finding enough committed, reliable staff.
They have tried Orange farms in desert irrigation projects, folks have set them up for them, left them flourishing with new pumps and machinery. Two years later the whole lot is dead - (trees and plant) - solely through neglect and apathy. The families get paid get paid if they go to work or not - more if their kids go to school.
The elders are not listened to as the youngs minds are clouded by the white mans poison, and the apathetic hand out mentality and 'lifestyle' that comes with it.
L>T our lawyers kill the pig on associated issues as well, land rights is a beaut.
Arcturus suggested I call by for a look and hre is a red hot debate on Aboriginal isssues...
I have dealings with possibly the other end of th indigenous spectrum, the urban community who are largely educated and articulate. I grew up with 2 Aboriginal step-aunts and my best friend is half aboriginal. She is also an academic, so it is pretty different to the crumblig world out there of which you speak.
Little is ever said about the FUNCTIONING communities, in which the traditional law is adhered to, but they exist and they work. Dr Jennifer Biddle has just produced a wonderful book about tribal culture in the central desert. I met a bunch of Wiradjuri women recently hre in Sydney, it was like meeting royalty, they were so regal and gracious.
That said, the reason for the b4eakdown of these communities is the fragmenting and erosion of the traditions and culture. The scattering of families from lands, the combining of different tribal groups and the whole general way they have been herded up and shot, all contributes to this. It wasn't very long ago that they wwere taken away and dumped in institutions, like my "aunties". Soul-destroying.
I dont have to live with stealing and violence here, where I am so it is easy to say, "what do you know?'
but as a custodian of flora and fauna, as you seem to be, and having such an intimate relationship with the country, I am sure you know what life should be like for them, if things were ideal.
I am reading"Carpentaria" by Alexis Wright. its great. I will post it to you if you can't get hold of it, if you like.
well I'll shut up now. Feel free to call by.
your photos are fantastic.
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