The hills that you see are made mostly from the rocks in the photos, smooth (and mixed with gem stones) on the flat, or like opaque razors, blasted from the ground by lightning strikes, or maybe the chippings from 40 0000 years of making stone tools, on the hills. Maybe the chippings are the hills, built from an initial rock vantage point. (Not really, they are initially the result of a previously submerged oceanic landscape - old reefs - fossils - good spot to sit when it's not as wet. )
Sitting at the top in this spot. There is no manmade noise. Only the wind.
Another couple of months and I'll hit the track again. Yeehar!!
"gumbiment"? government?
Wow! That looks like a great place to explore.
Right on all counts l>t.
what were you cooking?
Gourmet Dinner - Snaggers, spuds and onions - served with a side dish of baked beans and accompanied by many beers. I have a dual battery setup for the beer fridge and can chill 3 days worth of cold beer without running it flat. (Spuds are under coals).
The cooking fire is spot on, nice bed of coals for heat, double wind break, and a nice high bit for light to see by.
I nearly blew away a little goat for tea, decided not to until I knew where the station house was. As it turns out the nearest civilisation (or other people) was about 50km away.
In the time I was at this location, about a day and a half, one car went past on the 'road'. (I was about 2.5km in from it).
The distance between fuel stops on this leg was 300km and I passed two cars in that distance. At the 151km mark the ute died, turned off like a switch = electrical. Found the problem easy enough, broken coil wire to points, fixed the wire - then dropped the fucken nut from the little bolt, which of course disappeared. Fucken cunt!! So I ratted a bolt out of the radio mount, drilled the hole out bigger and fixed it - it's still running on the repair now.
That's the thing about men, the vehicle breaks and you fix it.
That always amazes me.
Are you all taught auto repair in the womb or what?
Well that may be, but I know that I posted a reply here two days ago and it has disappeared, le sigh - fucken blogger. Working out bunkeys yes, working out computers no.
I think I'd go nuts out there all alone, even more nuts than I am.
Re. your previous entry, the black guy in The Shining, by the way, was Scatman Crothers. The 'lesson' of The Shining, among others, is that the heroes were (1) the white woman, (2) the black guy cook, and (3) the child. The white American male ends up being unable to take care of himself or his family and so goes nuts and tries to kill them all and himself.
I'm the other way around - I fucken detest crowds of people. I mean you get some of these cunts that walk into a shop - then they stop - what the fuck is that about? It's like someone pulled their power pack out (like the lost in space robot.) Go to the shop get what you want and fuck off.
I usually try to get a trolley with a clacky wheel the couple of times a year I have to go the the shops. They can hear you coming up behind them then, maybe, and get out of the way.
I usually still manage to run a couple of the unplugged types over. hahahaha.
Scatman - ya fucking joking - that is some name to give your kid!!!!
Oh well, looks like I missed the 'lesson' of the movie.
I suppose I missed the lessons of "Wolf Creek" (A Comedy) and "Romper Stomper" (A light hearted touchy feely family flick) as well.
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