fat people

Isn't it funny how defensive people become when they percieve someone else as not agreeing that their kid is perfect in every way. The fucken thing could be the size of the Hindenburg but good ol mum will refuse to acknowledge that maybe they are contributing to the health and esteem problems that the child does and will face, by being in a state of denial.
They will actively attack people for noticing or having the audacity to have a point of view on the subject, while remaining firmly entrenched in thier belief that fatness does not affect thier offspring. Much as the parents of ratbags would never believe that little johhny would nick little old ladies handbags.
Well guess what? You're wrong. The shapeless blob at your side is FAT. not bigboned, not large, just plain fucken fat. and knows it..and deep down so do you. this must lead to feelings of being inadequate or a failure in both parties. Wake up you dumb cunt and do something about it.
Damn, Rackedballs...I'd say your own two boys there better lay off the McFries.
Your sons are cute - how old are they?
podge and splodge do like them fries.
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